Monday, May 25, 2020
Police Brutality A Social Problem - 1548 Words
Police brutality is a social problem faced in many communities around the world. Focusing on North America, the problems and central focuses on police brutality stem from racism and the excessive abuse of power. Police brutality is defined as unmerited, excessive and aggressive abuse, police brutality is a phenomenon that causes irreparable harm to its victims. The abuse may be physical or psychological, and the victims can feel the effects of this abuse for a lifetime. These effects include not only physical wounds, but also psychological ones. In some cases, the community also experiences the impact of police brutality on its victims. (Angel, In a review from a book that Holmes and Smith published, the importance of stereotypes is underlined. Drawing to some degree on theories that see police violence as the result of â€Å"threats†that police officers experience during encounters in minority neighborhoods, the authors suggest that the idea of threat is in lar ge part based on prevalent stereotypes. These stereotypes are not just employed by police, but are also used by members of minority groups. Whereas police often experience heightened anxiety and fear responding to calls in minority neighborhoods, minority residents experience similar emotions when confronted by police. Minority members often perceive police to be highly biased and to resort quickly to violence. Dennis Mares states that there is a direct link between police culture with urban streetShow MoreRelatedThe Social Problem Of Police Brutality1458 Words  | 6 PagesThe contemporary social problem I would like to conduct sociological research on is the use of excessive force used by members of the police department in recent unconscionable shootings of unarmed civilians. With all the recent attention that the people of Ferguson Missouri and New York City have been able to rise on this issue, making it a media sensation, it seemed like a good topic to discuss. Police bruta lity is an egregious, ongoing problem in our society that, until just recently, has beenRead MoreFilm, Fruitvale Station, Directed By Ryan Coogler1481 Words  | 6 PagesIn society, social problems are often brought to the public’s attention through popular culture and media. The compelling film, Fruitvale Station, directed by Ryan Coogler is a nod to many social problems found in the United States of America today. 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These actions are causing people, primarily minority groups, to rebel against law enforcement, and inexcusably createRead MoreThe Effects Of Police Brutality On The Relationship1243 Words  | 5 Pages Bad Blood: The Effects of Police Brutality on the Relationship Between Minorities and the Police Brandon Seigle June 16, 2017 CRJS 498 NC AT University ..................Column Break..................As children we are taught that not only are police officers our friends, but that their job is to protect and serve our communities. Unfortunately, for many minorities this image is shattered as incident after incident occurs in the streets of their communities. With today’s technology, theseRead MorePsychology Is Everywhere You Look957 Words  | 4 Pagesbegins to explore the social, cognitive, and emotional roots of prejudice within society (545). Prejudice has remained a huge obstacle throughout world history. With the recent murders of unarmed African American men, the aspect of police brutality begins to relate back to prejudice. According to Jesse Holland of the Associated Press, the recent murder of Mike Brown has brought forth several marches and racial unrest within the African American community. With this example of social unrest, psychologyRead MorePolice Brutality And Crime Brutality833 Words  | 4 PagesPoli ce Brutality Police brutality is defined as the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians (What Is Police Brutality?). Recently, there have been a surplus of incidents involving police brutality. Cases like Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice are examples of police brutality. All three of these victims ended up dead at the hands of police. Statistics show that, just this year alone, 1,013 Americans have been killed by cops (Cop Crisis). Social mediaRead MorePolice Brutality Based On Racial Profiling1682 Words  | 7 Pagesothers; violence and brutality against innocent citizens is the key to getting the job done. For years, minorities have fallen victim to police brutality based on racial profiling, stereotypes and other unjustifiable reasons that has cost several innocent lives. The involvement of officers in police brutality against minority social groups causes tainted and negative views on policing and their overall duty to protect, when they are ul timately the aggressors in this case. Police brutality is a violent incidentRead MorePolice Brutality Is Not A New Occurrence930 Words  | 4 Pageswhen someone says the word â€Å"police†they will picture a clean cut officer in uniform serving to protect their community from harm. However, there are a number of people who will instead picture a monster wielding a firearm and a Taser, ready to strike down anyone who doesn’t obey. This image is one that has been fashioned by police brutality. Police brutality is defined as the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Police brutality can also take the form ofRead MoreSocial Media As A Platform For Police Brutality1646 Words  | 7 Pagesdocumented and filmed that many rioters have demanded the streets to riot recent fatal police brutality of unarmed African American teenagers, but what has caused the most publicity is how these incidents spread so widely through social medi a. The article Ferguson: Digital Protest, Hashtag Ethnography, and the Racial Politics of Social Media in the United States by Yarimar Bonilla Jonathan Rosa studies the affects social media has on a modern political issue and explains how â€Å"hashtag activism†can uniteRead MoreIn Our Society, There Has Been Several Issues But One Of1213 Words  | 5 PagesAfrican American community. Police Brutality is a major problem that many African Americans fear dealing with racial divides but some believe minorities cause higher crime rates. In the dictionary of law, Police brutality, is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Many Americans have gone through many situations where they were excessively force by the police. But few American’s were racial profiled, discriminated, or beat brutality for no appointed reason
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