Monday, May 25, 2020
Police Brutality A Social Problem - 1548 Words
Police brutality is a social problem faced in many communities around the world. Focusing on North America, the problems and central focuses on police brutality stem from racism and the excessive abuse of power. Police brutality is defined as unmerited, excessive and aggressive abuse, police brutality is a phenomenon that causes irreparable harm to its victims. The abuse may be physical or psychological, and the victims can feel the effects of this abuse for a lifetime. These effects include not only physical wounds, but also psychological ones. In some cases, the community also experiences the impact of police brutality on its victims. (Angel, In a review from a book that Holmes and Smith published, the importance of stereotypes is underlined. Drawing to some degree on theories that see police violence as the result of â€Å"threats†that police officers experience during encounters in minority neighborhoods, the authors suggest that the idea of threat is in lar ge part based on prevalent stereotypes. These stereotypes are not just employed by police, but are also used by members of minority groups. Whereas police often experience heightened anxiety and fear responding to calls in minority neighborhoods, minority residents experience similar emotions when confronted by police. Minority members often perceive police to be highly biased and to resort quickly to violence. Dennis Mares states that there is a direct link between police culture with urban streetShow MoreRelatedThe Social Problem Of Police Brutality1458 Words  | 6 PagesThe contemporary social problem I would like to conduct sociological research on is the use of excessive force used by members of the police department in recent unconscionable shootings of unarmed civilians. With all the recent attention that the people of Ferguson Missouri and New York City have been able to rise on this issue, making it a media sensation, it seemed like a good topic to discuss. Police bruta lity is an egregious, ongoing problem in our society that, until just recently, has beenRead MoreFilm, Fruitvale Station, Directed By Ryan Coogler1481 Words  | 6 PagesIn society, social problems are often brought to the public’s attention through popular culture and media. The compelling film, Fruitvale Station, directed by Ryan Coogler is a nod to many social problems found in the United States of America today. The film portrays social problems like poverty among minorities, racial profiling and especially police brutality through the last 24 hours of Oscar Julius Grant III’s life. The star-studded film not only pays homage to Grant but also to the ideas ofRead MorePolice Brutality Is Very Today s Society866 Words  | 4 PagesPolice brutality is extremely prevalent in today’s society. Police brutality is a police officer deliberately using excessive force, psychological attacks, and verbal abuse during law enforcement activities with the population. This unjust brutality is fueled from law enforcement taking action based on emotion or abusing the authority that has been given to them from the government. These actions are causing people, primarily minority groups, to rebel against law enforcement, and inexcusably createRead MoreThe Effects Of Police Brutality On The Relationship1243 Words  | 5 Pages Bad Blood: The Effects of Police Brutality on the Relationship Between Minorities and the Police Brandon Seigle June 16, 2017 CRJS 498 NC AT University ..................Column Break..................As children we are taught that not only are police officers our friends, but that their job is to protect and serve our communities. Unfortunately, for many minorities this image is shattered as incident after incident occurs in the streets of their communities. With today’s technology, theseRead MorePsychology Is Everywhere You Look957 Words  | 4 Pagesbegins to explore the social, cognitive, and emotional roots of prejudice within society (545). Prejudice has remained a huge obstacle throughout world history. With the recent murders of unarmed African American men, the aspect of police brutality begins to relate back to prejudice. According to Jesse Holland of the Associated Press, the recent murder of Mike Brown has brought forth several marches and racial unrest within the African American community. With this example of social unrest, psychologyRead MorePolice Brutality And Crime Brutality833 Words  | 4 PagesPoli ce Brutality Police brutality is defined as the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians (What Is Police Brutality?). Recently, there have been a surplus of incidents involving police brutality. Cases like Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice are examples of police brutality. All three of these victims ended up dead at the hands of police. Statistics show that, just this year alone, 1,013 Americans have been killed by cops (Cop Crisis). Social mediaRead MorePolice Brutality Based On Racial Profiling1682 Words  | 7 Pagesothers; violence and brutality against innocent citizens is the key to getting the job done. For years, minorities have fallen victim to police brutality based on racial profiling, stereotypes and other unjustifiable reasons that has cost several innocent lives. The involvement of officers in police brutality against minority social groups causes tainted and negative views on policing and their overall duty to protect, when they are ul timately the aggressors in this case. Police brutality is a violent incidentRead MorePolice Brutality Is Not A New Occurrence930 Words  | 4 Pageswhen someone says the word â€Å"police†they will picture a clean cut officer in uniform serving to protect their community from harm. However, there are a number of people who will instead picture a monster wielding a firearm and a Taser, ready to strike down anyone who doesn’t obey. This image is one that has been fashioned by police brutality. Police brutality is defined as the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Police brutality can also take the form ofRead MoreSocial Media As A Platform For Police Brutality1646 Words  | 7 Pagesdocumented and filmed that many rioters have demanded the streets to riot recent fatal police brutality of unarmed African American teenagers, but what has caused the most publicity is how these incidents spread so widely through social medi a. The article Ferguson: Digital Protest, Hashtag Ethnography, and the Racial Politics of Social Media in the United States by Yarimar Bonilla Jonathan Rosa studies the affects social media has on a modern political issue and explains how â€Å"hashtag activism†can uniteRead MoreIn Our Society, There Has Been Several Issues But One Of1213 Words  | 5 PagesAfrican American community. Police Brutality is a major problem that many African Americans fear dealing with racial divides but some believe minorities cause higher crime rates. In the dictionary of law, Police brutality, is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Many Americans have gone through many situations where they were excessively force by the police. But few American’s were racial profiled, discriminated, or beat brutality for no appointed reason
Monday, May 18, 2020
Use Of Handheld Cameras Changed The Way Of Police - 915 Words
The use of smartphone cameras changed the way that police were perceived as well. Accusations of police brutality could now be supported with video evidence instead of just a victim’s word against an officer. While filming police during stops and quality-of-life policing can hold the officer accountable in incidents of police brutality, cell phone video footage doesn’t always tell the whole story. In August, two Kansas police officers came under scrutiny after a 36 second video was posted on social media of them roughly restraining a suspect on the ground (Hunter). However, the police’s body cam and dash cam footage told a different story: after the suspect, John Harrison was pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt, the police discovered the smell of marijuana coming from his car, that he was driving with a suspended license and had more than 20 warrants out for his arrest (Kiesling and Smith). The dash cam video shows Harrison resisting arrest, attempting to flee (Hunter) and punching one of the police officers (Kiesling and Smith). The police were found innocent and Harrison was put in jail for outstanding warrants and is facing charges for driving with a suspended license, battery on a police officer, and obstruction of justice (Hunter). With Broken Windows policing, the community is made safer. With Broken Windows policing, crime was and is significantly reduced in low-income minority neighborhoods. Broken Windows policing was implemented in New York City in 1994Show MoreRelatedPolice Brutality And The United States Essay1474 Words  | 6 Pagesharass and assault them. Police brutality is a continuous problem in the United States and officers need to be accountable for their actions. This research project will examine how police brutality often leads to death because of some officers unnecessary physical aggression and poor judgment, some incidents leads to unjust shootings, and finally, the misconduct of police officers. By understanding how police brutality is increasing and the violence that comes with it, police officers can then receiveRead MorePolice Brutality And The United States Essay1484 Words  | 6 Pagesharass and assault them. Police brutality is a continuous problem in the United States and officers need to be accountable for their actions. This research project will examine how police brutality often leads to death because of some officers unnecessary physical aggression and poor judgment, some incidents leads to unjust shootings, and finally, the misconduct of police officers. By understanding how police brutality is increasing and the violence that comes with it, police officers can then receiveRead MoreThe Main Techniques of Telling a Story in Various Films Essay1063 Words  | 5 Pagesmiserable and dramatic. They keep the camera rolling all the way through this which is a very unique, interesting way to tell the story. They use incorporate a handheld camera technique which makes it seem that they were actually in this situation and obviously not edited which is deliberate. This makes us seem very close to the characters and can feel all there their reactions as the camera is held by them and any jerkiness of the camera is shown creating unease for the audienceRead MorePersonal Privacy In Peter Singers Visible Man955 Words  | 4 PagesIn Peter Singer’s essay Visible Man, he discusses how advancements in technology have changed the world’s view on privacy listing both the benefits and drawbacks following this. Privacy is a very big aspect for Americans and the freedom we represent. As America defines itself as a democracy, the Government ties a lot into the privacy role, attempting to keep citizens safe. Generally, having personal privacy is crucial to feeling safe and comfortable in any environment but I think the overall roleRead MoreThe French New Wave Cinema1905 Words  | 8 PagesFrench New Wave cinema is widely considered one of the most influential periods in cinematic history. The filmmaking techniques and ideas utilized during the French New Wave period can still be seen in modern cinema, with some films uses them more than others. Two films that more obviously been influenced by the era are Quentin Tarantino s 1992 film Reservoir Dogs and Christopher Nolan’s 2000 film Memento. These films exude many traits and styles synonymous with French New Wave cinema such as jumpRead MoreThe Postcolonial Theory Of Third Cinema4380 Words  | 18 PagesHollywood as these films were being produced in second and third world countries. For these filmmakers, it was all about guerilla filmmaking, which meant that they would often be creating low budget films using a handheld camera with smaller film crews than usual. These films would often use montage as well as different combinations of sounds and images in order to get audiences to think about the film and what messages it was trying to relay. Since it was all about politics, these filmmakers were notRead MoreBra Boys - a Documentary Case Study1696 Words  | 7 Pagesdominant representation of the surf gang. This is most evident in the retelling of the brawl between the â€Å"Bra Boys†and the police force. Abberton attempts to reconstruct the â€Å"true story†behind a pivotal event that played a large influence on the representation of the â€Å"Bra Boys†as a law-breaking, violent group with the use of first-hand interviews. The fight between the police and the â€Å"Bra Boys†on 22nd December 2002 was one of the breaking points in the historical resentment between the authoritiesRead MoreCellphones Essay1370 Words  | 6 PagesThesis Statement: Cell phones have changed us socially in many ways since their first invention till now, through their history, uses, and their changes in communication. Introduction I. Cell phones History A. First cell phones B. Cell phones inventor C. How they work II. Using of Cell Phones A. Changes in Communication B. Benefits C. Health effects III. Have they changed us socially? A. How? B. Negative use C. Positive use De La Rosa 1 The concept ofRead MoreDistracted Driving and Cell Phones1678 Words  | 7 PagesToday, one of the major sources of automobile accidents is distracted driving due to cell phone use. Driver distraction can be defined as â€Å"the diversion of attention away from activities critical for the safe driving toward a competing activity†(Young 3). The dangers of driving while using a cell phone cannot be overstated, but drivers still use their cell phones even though they are illegal. According to a survey, â€Å"About 2 out of 10 (18%) report that they have sent text messages or emails whileRead MoreThe Changes in Law Enforcement2301 Words  | 10 Pagesenforcement has changed, but few see the drastic changes that have happened. Everyday, police and sheriffs are working to keep the people in their community safe. With improved technological advances and social changes, police and sheriffs are keeping a closer eye on things today. For example, improved weapons such as tasers h ave helped keep suspects safe, computers in police cruisers allow instant access of information of individuals. Other social changes, such as women allowed to join the police forces
Friday, May 15, 2020
Human Insecurity in T.S Eliots The Love Song of J....
Human Insecurity in T.S Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock T.S Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is an examination of human insecurity and folly, embodied in the titles J. Alfred Prufrock. Eliots story of a mans overwhelming question, his inability to ask it, and consequently, his mental rejection plays off the poems many ambiguities, both structural and literal. Eliot uses these uncertainties to develop both the plot of the poem and the character of J. Alfred Prufrock. The poems setting is one that conjures up images of vagueness. It is filled with yellow fog and yellow smoke, both of which suggest a certain denseness and haziness. Similarly, Prufrock is faced with another kind of mist - perfume†¦show more content†¦You is only featured in two distinct actions, being lead to an overwhelming question (ln. 10) and The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase(56). Both actions involve direct contact with others, in contrast with I who is far more introverted and introspective. This supports the idea of You being Prufrocks projected image, however, a vague you reflects Prufrocks own uncertainty. The ambiguity of certain words in the poem adds to the aura of indecisiveness. The evening is compared to a patient etherised upon the table. The word etherised means literally, to be anaesthetized; however it also suggests the word ethereal which means less real. The first definition implies a sense of numbness, while the second implies falseness; both are qualities that appear in the poem. The reference to being anaesthetized is reflected later on a description of the afternoon: The afternoon, the evening, sleeps so peacefully! / Smoothed by long fingers / Asleep...tired...or it malingers (75-77). This suggests that that sense of numbness saturates Prufrocks entire environment; it is also then coupled with the idea that this environment is also less real. Another word with dual meaning is in the lines the eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase / and when Im formulated, sprawling on a pin...(56-57). The word formulated is synonymous with prepared or planned the first time it is used, contrasting these eyes with Prufrocks own lack ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock1386 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The Love Song of T.S Eliot†In â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†the reader can clearly understand that T.S Eliot is straightforward as one can get within a poem. In the beginning of the poem, one can infer that Prufrock is being used as a facade to convey Eliot’s inner self who is an introvert that doesn’t quite fit in with the modern day society. â€Å"Prufrock†sees his personal life as a burden that he cannot mend while he tries to conform into the middle class society that everyone views asRead MoreA Competitive Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1014 Words  | 4 Pageswere T.S. Eliot who wrote his very well-known poem, â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†(1915), and F. Scott Fitzgerald who wrote his famous novel, The Great Gatsby (1925). Both Eliot and Fitzgerald criticized the spiritual emptiness in their society by revealing their characters inability to communicate, to love, and to see the truth about their own lives. Eliot and Fitzgeralds characters are unable to communicate because of their spiritual emptiness. In T.S. Eliots â€Å"The Love Song of J. AlfredRead More T.S Eliot’s Preludes and The Love Song of J.Alfred. Prufrock, are examples1059 Words  | 5 PagesT.S Eliot’s Preludes and The Love Song of J.Alfred. Prufrock, are examples of modernist poetry which illustrate the concerns of modernist poets. Explain how the poetry you have studied reflects some of the major concerns of its context? In your answer refer closely to two poems by T.S. Eliot. T.S Eliot’s Preludes and The Love Song of J.Alfred. Prufrock, are examples of modernist poetry which illustrate the concerns of modernist poets. The modern era, which lasted between 1885 to 1940Read MoreWorld War I And The Great Depression1094 Words  | 5 Pageschange, and insecurities are things that humans may face. The reader can find the speaker relatable; Prufrock shows multiple sides to his character. In one way, Prufrock is trying to seem cool, calm, and collected; he wants the reader to think that he knows everything; however, the reader can tell that Prufrock is trying to be somebody he is not. Prufrock later lets his walls drop and he says that he has let â€Å"the moment of greatness flicker†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He is talking about his greatness; Prufrock wants hisRead MoreT.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prurock Analysis1162 Words  | 5 PagesT.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prurock Analysis In T. S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, the author is establishing the danger the narrator is having dealing with getting older. Prufrock is the narrator in this poem, and believes that age is a burden and is totally troubled by it. He feels the prime of his life is over and he cant love women the way he used to. His worry with the passing of time characterizes his fear of aging. The poem deals with these fears. In thisRead MoreArtistic Expression: Poems Speak to Emtions and Capture Feelings963 Words  | 4 Pagespossibilities. Instead being unchangeable poems are innately open to interpretation; they should be spoken out loud in order to be â€Å"heard†, convey truth and cause impact. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot is an extremely meaningful poem; it is one of Elliot’s best-known works and without a doubt a masterpiece (Hillis). T.S. Eliot introduces the poem with a quote from Dantes Inferno (XXVII.61-66), and with that sparks our curiosity. He then makes statements and questions that perhaps everyoneRead MoreEssay on T.S. Eliot Poetry Analysis1597 Words  | 7 PagesTill Human Voices Wake Us:and We Drown Analysis of T.S. Eliots Poem â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†and Till Human Voices Wake Us T.S. Eliots â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†embodies many of the different feelings of Americans during the Modernist movement. Prufrock was seen as the prototype of the modern man, it is through his character in this poem that T.S. Eliot shows how man felt insecure, how the new theories of psychology were changing the concept of the mind and how societyRead MoreEssay on T.s. Eliot And Society1454 Words  | 6 PagesMany of their pieces challenged tradition against new manners. The outlook of society changed from a moral perspective to fast times. Many people tended to look apart from average events that occurred in their daily lives to find greater reasoning. T.S. Eliot is considered to be one of the most prominent poets and playwrights of his time and his works are said to have promoted to â€Å"reshape modern literature†(World Book). He was born in 1888 in St. Louis, Missouri and studied at Harvard and OxfordRead MoreEssay Emotion in T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock1453 Words  | 6 PagesEmotion in T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock In his poem â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,†T.S. Eliot subtly conveys a wide variety of Prufrock’s emotions; he creates pathos for the speaker by employing the â€Å"objective correlative,†which Eliot defines as â€Å"a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events [that] shall be the formula of that particular emotion†(â€Å"Hamlet and His Problems†). The first stanza introduces Prufrock’s isolation, as epitomized metaphorically byRead More`` Gold Glade `` And The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock1811 Words  | 8 Pages Poetry, by its formal definition, describes intense literary work that expresses feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm. In poems such as â€Å"The Light Comes Brighter†, â€Å"Gold Glade†, and â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†, poets used certain literary devices--such as imagery, personification, symbolism, and rhyme scheme--in order to develop an abstract but simultaneous concrete idea of their internal thoughts and emotions. In â€Å"Gold Glade†, Robert Penn Warren portrayed a
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Benefits of Artifical Intelligence (AI) - 994 Words
As said by Hussein H. Owaied â€Å"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study and research for locating relationships between psychology and computation theories in order to represent these relationships as either data structures, problem solving strategies or representation forms for knowledge and the final goal of AI is to build an intelligent machine, with another benefit which is better understanding of human thinking†. (Owaied, H. M. (2012, March). Other technologies could perform practical characteristics of human beings; however AI aims to realize uniquely human features such as voice, vision, aptitude, anticipation, creative thinking etc. Artificial intelligence brought drastic changes in Banking (ATM design, secure online banking), Medicine (cardiology neurology, embryology and other complex operations), as antivirus for computers, robotics (humanoids, mobile robots, manipulators), space work maintenance, satellite controls etc. The below present is an overview of pos sibilities with artificial intelligence. Conquering the weather: Meteorologists investigate huge volumes of information so as to predict the climate, and even the foremost knowing climate forecaster is inaccurate. Shortly, researchers are furthermore able to predict the climate higher by decoding AI computer code, which might scrutinize sophisticated information and location patterns mysterious to the human eye. One time this computer code sees a massive storm coming, it will automatically to warnShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Technology Essay918 Words  | 4 Pagesof people who are against the ‘commensalism’, of sorts. The thing is, though, I don’t think they realize just how important technology is, and in how many different areas of your life it is so. There are three main categories in which most people benefit. These three are: science medical, which is relating to the human body and discoveries in many different scientific fields; transportation weapons, which is mainly any mean of travel and any type of newly develo ped weapon; and entertainment/mediaRead MoreTechnology Is The Weapon Of Choice2005 Words  | 9 PagesS. should employ these. We will examine the legal, ethical, moral, and political implications of the potential of AWS that can kill without meaningful human control. Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Weapon Systems One of the key enablers of autonomous weapons is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software that minimizes the human mind. According to Time Magazine, â€Å"roboticists define artificial brains as man-made machines designed to be as intelligent
Marriott Case Study - 2572 Words
1. Are the four components of Marriott’s Financial Strategy consistent with its growth objective? Marriotts sales grew up by 24% and its return on equity stood at 22% in the year 1987, the sales and earnings per share has doubled over the previous year as stated in the case study. The company operates in three divisions: lodging, contract services and restaurants which represents 41%, 46% and 13% of sales in 1987 respectively. Marriott is determined to develop and to enhance its position in each division and remain a premier growth company as stated in the annual report (1987). This key objective implies to become the most profitable company, be the preferred provider as well as preferred employer. Analysis the four key elements of†¦show more content†¦The risk free rate used is 4.27% which is the long term US Government bond returns, 1926- 1987. The reason of choosing 4.27% is the underlying assumption that since Marriott is involved in hotel and related operation it will use the long term rate for the company as a whole in the financial risk rate. in addition, I decided to select the rate covering the period 1926- 1987 as this period is long enough to consider various phases of economic and business life cycle that took place during the period like depression, recessions, inflationary tendencies, world war, etc. b) Risk Premium used and justification for its use Risk Premium = Market Return(Rm) – Risk Free Rate (Rf) = 9.90%- 4.27% = 5.63% Referring to the assumption in part A above, that Risk Free Rate is obtained from long term US Government bond return (i.e 4.27%), we have to determine the Market Return Rate. Market return is obtained from Exhibit 4, SP 500 Composite Stock Index Returns of 1926 – 1987 which was 9.90%. the assumption of selecting the returns covering the period 1926- 1987 as this period is long enough to consider various phases of economic and business life cycle that took place during the period and will match the risk free rate under the period of consideration (1926 – 1987) c. Marriot cost of debt Rd Rd = interest rate + Risk premium Where, the risk premium for Marriot can beShow MoreRelatedMarriott Case Study1995 Words  | 8 PagesMarriott Bedding Program CASE STUDY Marriott Bedding Program Marriott International Uses Project Management to Upgrade Bedding Worldwide Headquartered in Washington, DC, Marriott International, Inc. is one of the leading hospitality companies in the world with more than 2,400 properties in 68 countries and territories. As a management company, Marriott is responsible for daily operations in both company-operated and franchised properties. Marriott has an extensive portfolio of brands Read MoreMarriott Case Study Essays649 Words  | 3 PagesMarriott Corporation Case Study 1) The Marriott Corporation implemented for key elements into their financial strategy: manage rather than own hotel assets invest in projects that increase shareholder value, optimize the use of debt in the capital structure, and repurchase undervalued shares 2) Marriott uses WACC to measure the opportunity costs of capital of investments with similar risks. Each division of Marriott has a different cost of capital, based on debt capacity, debt cost, and equityRead MoreMarriott Case Study957 Words  | 4 PagesI. Problem Dan Cohrs, the vice president of project finance at Marriott Corporation, is preparing his annual recommendations for the hurdle rates for each of Marriott’s three divisions: lodging, contract services, and restaurants. However, this is a complicated process because finding beta, cost of debt, and cost of equity in order to find weighted average cost of capital, or WACC, must be calculated using proxy firms and divisional data. The firm’s use of WACC is directed towardsRead MoreMarriott International Case Study1864 Words  | 8 PagesThe Mega-merger in Hospitality Industry ---- A Case Study of Marriott Internationals Acquisition of Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide Introduction On 23 September 2016, Marriott officially announced the completion of acquiring Starwood at the price $13.6 billlion. Lately, it is not surprising to see the report like this has swept over the business sector in the newspaper. Merger and acquisition (MA) have been regarded as a critical part of the framework of doing business in a market economyRead MoreA Case Study of Marriott International9298 Words  | 38 PagesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Marriott International envisions itself to be the world’s lodging leader. Its mission is to provide the best possible lodging services experience to customers who vary in backgrounds, language, tradition, religion and cultures all around the world. Marriot is committed to environmental preservation through using environment-friendly technology and engages in social responsibility and community engagement.  We value our shareholder’s so we will only take steps that will ensureRead MoreStrategic Management - Case Study Marriott International3852 Words  | 16 PagesManagement - Case Study Marriott International Introduction The report focuses on Marriott International putting strategic management at the center core of analysis and discussion that allows Marriott strengths and weaknesses to be known and be evaluated according to such SWOT related strategies, CPM, EFE, IE matrix and many other important points for strategic management recognition of Marriott International. There is important account to the strategic analysis of Marriott InternationalRead MoreMarriott Wacc Case Study Essay781 Words  | 4 PagesMarriot Case Marriot use the Weighted Average Cost of Capital to estimate the cost of capital for the corporation as a whole and for each division, and the hurdle rate is updated annually.(WACC = (1-Tc) * (D/A) * R[D] + (E/A) * R[E]) Marriot’s Tax Bracket = 175.9/398.9 = 44% Division’s asset weight to the corporation: Lodging = 2777.4/4582.7 = 0.59 Contract = 1237.7/4582.7 = 0.28 Restaurant = 567.6/4582.7 = 0.13 Risk free rate is 30 years T-Bond = 8.95% (Lodging use long-term debt) Read MoreA Case Study on Employee Engagement: Marriott International, Inc.1468 Words  | 6 PagesChallenges for Employers A Case Study on Employee Engagement: Marriott International, Inc. Company Background Marriott International Inc., is a leading lodging company with nearly 2,900 lodging properties in the United States and 68 countries around the world. Its heritage can be traced to a root beer stand opened in Washington, DC in 1927. As a leader in the competitive hospitality industry, Marriott understands the importance of employee health and productivity. Marriott believes its associates areRead MoreMarriott Corporation Case Study: the Cost of Capital Essay656 Words  | 3 PagesFinancial Decision Analysis~Marriott Corporation Case Study Executive Summary – Q5 – Hurdle Rate Analysis Hurdle rates, the weighted cost of capital that projected cash flows must exceed for initiatives to be considered, vary within Marriott Corporations due to their unique industry risk levels and capital structures. They use this number to determine which projects to accept, to adjust the rate at which the firm grows and as a measure for compensation within each business area, and as incentiveRead MoreMarriott Restructure (Project Chariot) Case Study1814 Words  | 8 PagesAnalysis of Marriott Corporation’s ‘Project Chariot’ Introduction In the spring of 1992, J.W. Marriott Jr., Marriott Corporation’s Chairman and CEO, must decide whether to recommend a proposal to the Board of Directors for a complete restructuring of the firm due to financial distress and a hefty current debt burden. While restructuring seems promising to executives, there are serious ethical considerations at hand regarding the fiduciary duty of management to both shareholders and debtholders
Positives and Negatives of the Utopian Society Essay Example For Students
Positives and Negatives of the Utopian Society Essay Sir Thomas More wrote a novel named Utopia about a country that existed only in his mind. More used the story to explore his views and feelings about politics and government. People still believe that the story holds truths that are relevant today even though More wrote Utopia during the Renaissance. Utopia contains information about More’s vision of a perfect society. The Utopian government was able to overcome or prevent all problems facing the country. The government first segregates the island by digging a canal around it so that the ocean will create and island that has hazardous straights as it’s only means into the island. It then handles the many aspects that a community faces in a manner that, for the most part, creates an enjoyable environment to live in. There are however a few points that I found a flaw in. Personal wealth, religion, and justice are three areas of the Utopian society that have positive and negative sides. The first area of the Utopian society that I found weakness in is the lack of personal property. Every person who could get up and work did so for six hours a day. People were not allowed to be idle as it was against the law. Actually their working hours are sufficient to provide not only an abundance, but a superabundance of all the necessities and conveniences of life†(p. 35). Since every person contributes to the production of every food or material product in the commonwealth, there is no poverty and no greed. This concept looks great on paper. I feel, however, that this lack of owning anything would cause people to feel like they don’t work for themselves. There would be no reason to toil over soil that was hard to sew if you knew you were not going to starve regardless of what you produced. The next part of Utopian culture that I disagree with is its religion and the policy it has on holidays. The people are able to worship any god they wish in anyway they wished.. The people of Utopia are able to partake in any religious ceremony they choose. Each citizen worships as he pleases and as long as he does not force his beliefs onto others he is fine (p. 70). This freedom gave people a very important right. It helped to end many problems that occurred during the early years of Utopia (p. 72). This policy is a magnificent idea and it surprised me that no one who actually ran a country had thought of this. The only flaw that I found in Utopian religion was that all citizens had to the same temple at the same time for the festival of the first and last days of the month. These days, called Cynemern and Trapermern, were celebrated in a common temple in the city. The name of no specific god was used in the celebration except Mithra. Since every sect of religion used this name for their god. The government designed the services in this fashion so that they would not offend any religion (p. 77). The use of no specific name of a god is a good way to avoid offending people, but it also makes the ceremony very impersonal. It seems to me that it would have been more beneficial if each group of religious Utopians was able to worship in the temple on their own day. This way they would be able to call their god anything they wanted and would feel surrounded by people with their same beliefs. The final area with some aspects is the Utopian justice system. The government does not have many laws; they do not see a need for it. The Utopians see no need in having many laws when there is not enough time to spend to gain the understanding for a larger number. Actually, the Utopians feel that honoring good citizens as a better way to develop morals. .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 , .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 .postImageUrl , .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 , .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60:hover , .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60:visited , .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60:active { border:0!important; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60:active , .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60 .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u77704ddc850df6314348c644e8442d60:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Exploring Inspector Goole's character EssayDisplaying the names of people who have done good for the commonwealth, is thought to be a good way to detour others from acting against the common good. The laws that are made are very few and are made to enforce the desired ethics. If a law is broken, the punishment is normally left to the head of the family, a male, unless the crime is so bad that a public punishment would be better for the people of the city (p. 60). There are no standards for the punishment according to the wickedness of the wrongdoing, the senate decides on a case by case basis. In court, people represent themselves. The worst criminals are punished by bondage. People in bondage do the distasteful work of the community. They do not stay in prisons and their only distinctions from citizens are a few physical and cosmetic differences. Even those punished by bondage are able to redeem themselves with hard work and patience (p. 59-61). Using bondage for severe crimes as opposed to capital punishment is a moral punishment. Bondsmen also provide service to the country whereas if they were put to death, no benefits would be received. However, the freedom they are given allows them the opportunity to endanger the public again. More laws and increased security of bondsmen would create an environment safer for all Utopians. There are many positive aspects of the Utopian justice system. The most prevalent is the court itself. Many cases are kept out of court due to family punishment. With no lawyers, the judicial process is much quicker than today’s court system in America. The most negative part of the justice system is the lack of laws. A society should regulate their people by rules, not just positive reinforcement. There should also be regulations of punishments for each crime. Without that there is always a place for unfairness. Officials should keep convicted bondsmen under a closer watch and make them more visible. These are the most vicious criminals in the country. The citizens should treat them as such for their own safety. The society in Utopia has positive and negative elements in religion, personal rights, and justice. With a few minor changes, I feel that the negative could be eliminated. Utopia portrays aspects of a community that is idealistic. However, the balance of good and bad portions creates a realistic, more attainable society.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Corporate Collaboration Profitability and Revenue
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Collaborationfor Profitability and Revenue. Answer: Introduction The world of today is a competitive one with many companies striving to achieve the maximum profitability and revenue. Companies are looking forward to device plans and ideas, which can help him to identify the key areas, which support the ideas of profit maximization and revenue collection and thus help the companies to perform better. There are many ways, which help the companies to achieve their target and be at par with the other competitors in the market. The ways include many options like overseas expansion, restructuring the organizational structure and collaborating with other competitors to gain business edge. Collaborating with other companies or the competitors can prove to be one of the most efficient ways to achieve the target and thus be ahead of the competition in the market. This essay explores the scope of collaboration in the corporate sector. It examines and discusses the benefits, advantages as well as disadvantages of collaborating in the corporate sector. The wr ite up analyses the ways through which more revenues can be generated with the help of collaboration, the hindrances or the obstacles that gets in the way and the ways through which the benefits can be achieved sooner for the company. The essay also discusses how the rainmakers can profit from the collaboration and how collaborations help in organizing for higher value work. The professional service firms who are operating in the technological or other sophisticated field, facing various complex issues in client management prospective. However, the collaboration among the managers can minimize the complexities and approach towards the higher profitability state. The clients of such firms also prefer to see the corporate encouraging the collective expertise among them and the loyalty of the clients also depends on that[1]. In the firms perspective the collaboration is beneficial as of competitive advantages pursuance. Whereas, according to the organizational people prospective, it is not quantifiable and accrues in slow rate. Thus, organizational collaboration is hard to implement among the senior and junior managers and such practice groups. The financial settlement of multidisciplinary collaboration is instantly recognizable in a firm. Thus, the concept of client engagement can be evaluated in the context of corporate collaboration and relate to the annual revenue generation of the firm. The study by Gardner shows that, the greater the annual average revenue the client generates. The discussion on the corporate collaboration also includes the cross-specialty work which cannot be subjected to the price-based competition of the market. However, the client of a firm considers the single specialty since they feel it hard to work in cross-specialty context[2]. However, the clients of various companies prefer to communicate with different offices structured as different countries. The research shows that, both individuals and the corporate leaders need to lower the complexities and barriers to successfully collaborate among the different divisions and the partners. In the professional services organizations, the senior executives who use to manage higher responsibilities along with the authority engage more organizational people in the collaborative works. The collaboration is managed through the multidisciplinary projects to build loyalty approaching to switch barriers among the various departments and the corporate partners. The study by Gardner shows that, there is always a chance of generating more revenue by collaboratively operating in many countries and handling with seamless services for the global clients[3]. However, the benefits to individuals can be assessed with the collaboration in corporate level in the firms. A corporate life use to have cooperation among the colleagues in a particular organization. Thus, the collaborative working environment is needed. The team work can minimize the complexity in business operations and also it can influence the individual skills set with the knowledge sharing context and the learning processes[4]. The collaboration among the team members and the executive can lead to acquire and share expertise in a specific field of work in an organization[5]. However, not all the colleagues can be managed to implement collaboration among them for this purpose. In this case, the preference of the client towards the expertise should be focused to engage people for the collaboration management. Along with that, the referral by the colleagues for few clients can be utilized with the help of collaboration in corporate level. Hence, the organizational people should i mplement collaboration among them to get individual benefits[6]. The collaboration among the corporate in a firm should be increasingly acknowledged as for the importance of the sustainability concerned for business practices. The corporate collaboration focuses on the orientation of the critical tasks and the complexity of work performances of the employees by reaching the common ethical grounds. The collaboration can be subjected by the interpersonal competence and the strategic management of the senior executive of a firm[7]. The cross-sector partnership also enables the professional services organizations to involve in specific conditions and develop various sustainable strategies to serve their business clients with proper support. However, the restrictive market conditions also affect the collaboration in the different departments of an organization and hence influence the supportive services for the clients[8].The collaboration among the business partners and the executive of an organization raises the profile of the organization in front of the clients and the individuals involves in the client servicing also gets benefited with the professional evaluation in their career. The cross business operations among the clients and the organization may raise the context of risk in the agreements and the business processes. The clients of a business generally focus on the profitability position of the firms along with the honesty in business deals and the prospective opportunities in from the business processes. The organization can ensure their clients with the help of the organizational representative and their positive personality which can be developed with the strategic collaboration among the managers and the executives. The organizational structure and the compensation strategies should be aligned with the motivational approaches to the employees to implement collaboration among them[9]. A successful collaboration can only be achieved with the help of the contribution and participation of employees of the company and the management. The company can perform to its optimum capacity only if the employees and the management can work together at peace. In order for a collaboration to be successful, all the cogs in the machinery of a corporate set up should work properly. The hindrances that may come in the way of a successful collaboration are many. They are the following: A negative environment in the corporate set up can damage the collaborative process and environment. If the employees of the company are suspicious and complex, then the process of collaboration becomes a little difficult. If the employees of the company lacks trust and indulges in autocratic individual meritocracy, then a successful collaboration can never be achieved[10]. The own interest of the employees of the company often come in the way of a successful collaboration. The individual personality of the employees often act as a barrier to the completion of a successful completion of collaboration. The lack of competence, and the presence of individualistic point of views often prove to be a hindrance in the path of a collaboration. The personal agendas of the employees of the company can prove to be an obstacle for a successful collaboration. The protection of each individual units can result in an incomplete or unsuccessful collaboration[11]. Employees of a company are often intolerant to the varied perspectives from their own. The mentality, the socio-economic culture and the boundaries often dictate the perspectives of the employees of the company. The benefits of a successful collaboration are many. Once implemented, the collaboration can bring in huge amount of changes in the corporate set up. The huge amount of impact that the collaboration brings in the company can affect the employees as well as the management of the company. The collaboration can bring in a whole range of benefits to the company. They include financial benefits, human capital, physical capital, intellectual capital and development of new processes[12]. The financial benefits include the increase in the export or domestic sales, reduction in costs by sharing resources, and winning larger contracts by submitting a joint tender. The benefits to the employees of the company include safeguarding the jobs, increasing employment, give confidence to staff motivation and consist of building up the abilities and skills of the employees. Information sharing, engaging in collaborative research and development, all can benefit the intellectual capital of a business. T he company can develop new processes for helping the company achieve the maximum profitability and productivity. Increasing the knowledge of the marketplace can help the company to identify the new potential customers and give them an added advantage for competing more efficiently[13]. Rainmakers are the individuals who bring in money, clients or respect to a company based on solely his association. He is a person who brings in new scope of business or new business to a particular company and wins new accounts almost surrealistically. The rainmakers help the company to find new work and new projects, which help the company to move forward and help them to achieve their potential and target revenue. The rainmakers help the companies to collaborate and achieve their ultimate objective of staying ahead of the competitive race. The main purpose of the rainmakers is to bring in business to the organization. In this process, the rainmaker can bring in various businesses and collaboration to the company. With the collaboration, the organization can benefit greatly and thus the rainmakers too can benefit from the profit of the company[14]. Collaboration can be existent between two companies as well as amongst the employees of the company. The company can be divided into two broad sectors to achieve the desired result. The company can act as a coach to help with lowering the cultural barriers and they can act as architects so that the structural barriers are lowered. The leaders, who want to imbibe a culture of collaboration, should help the employees of the organization to model the correct behavior by contributing to the client work and by sharing the credit with the other participants. The top leaders of the company can take simple steps that allow them to garner more connections. By acting as an architect, the people or the leaders of the company can help bring in structural changes in the company to help with the collaboration. By bringing in new structural changes into the company, the collaboration can be successfully implemented into the organization. A successful collaboration needs to be identified and rewarde d sufficiently. Ability to learn from the collaboration as well as benefit the organization are two key requirements that a company has to deduce from a collaboration. The research has focused on the dialects of corporate collaboration for the business organizations and the study has incorporated with various journals based on practical research experiences. The study concludes that, the corporate collaboration is not only beneficial for the organization, but also for the individuals working there. The study also concludes that, the collaboration is needed to be implemented to enhance the culture of quality work and immediate benefits with effective growth. References: Adner, Ron, Joanne E. Oxley, and Brian S. Silverman, eds. "Collaboration and competition in business ecosystems."Collaboration and Competition in Business Ecosystems. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2013. iii. Crane, Andrew, and Dirk Matten.Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press, 2016. Cummings, Thomas G., and Christopher G. Worley.Organization development and change. Cengage learning, 2014. Gardner, Heidi K. "When Senior Managers Won't Collaborate Lessons from professional services firms."Harvard Business Review93.3 (2015): 74-82. Harris, Frances, and Fergus Lyon. "Transdisciplinary environmental research: Building trust across professional cultures."Environmental Science Policy31 (2013): 109-119. 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